In the World of Beauty,there are endless beauty tips to make you look fabulous...yes ofcourse buddies these beauty tips helps very much try these...

*The best thing to do when you go to a

makeup counter is be armed with what it is you want to do...

* Sunscreens that claim to provide “all-day protection” and “water resistance” are not reliable; don’t be fooled by these claims and reapply all sunscreens at least every two to three hours.

*When self-tanning, use a tanner with a

guide color. It will give you instant color

before the effect and it will show you exactly where you put the color and where you may have missed

*If you’re afraid of red lipstick, I love

putting it on and then blotting it off to wear it as more of a stain.

*For the summer months, you don’t want

to be caked down in foundation so try a tinted moisturizer instead.

* To make curls last, make sure hair is

completely dry before you begin with the

curling iron.

*To make a zit go away faster, don’t pick at it. The bacteria on your fingeres will create more redness.

*Use an exfoliater to get rid of dead skin

but limit yourself to 2-3 times a week so you don’t dry out your skin

*Always wash your makeup off before bed.

That morning-after look has never been a good one, for anyone...

* To make volume last all day, avoid running your fingers through hair. “Oil from your hands can weigh down your roots leaving your hair flat at the end of the day“

*Try to avoid washing your hair everyday.

Constant shampooing leaves hair dry and your scalp will create more oils to compensate for the loss of moisture.

*Always use a moisturizer with SPF in the

morning. Even in the winter!!!

*Go for a trim every 6-8 weeks to ensure

you have no damaged ends making your hair look unhealthy.


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