Tired of trying to Get Slim? Here's what you need to do! - Slim, Loose Weight Fast!


I'm up with another blog post and his is no ordinary post for me because I will be sharing something that really worked for me. Losing weight, burning those extra fats is not easy at all. It is a consistent effort you need to make if you want to reach the goal of getting slim.. not slim getting fit!

So let's start with the main content of the blog. I will share why it is important as well what you need to do to lose weight or say to get fit!

Weight loss tips

. MindSet to lose Weight: Firstly, prepare your mind that you have to lose weight, you have to get fit no matter how hard it gets. Most importantly the focus to be consistent in your workouts and diet is much much needed.

2. Reasons of Gaining Weight : Once you have decided about losing weight the very next thing you have to do is find out what is causing you gain weight. Like you can check your diet, track your daily activity, and ofcourse see if you have any health issues. Do some tests like if you have thyroid you will gain weight, PCOS this is the reason many females are gaining weight. Do you know PCOS makes you gain weight and also if you have gain weight already you will get PCOS. Makes sense?

Weight Gain - Reasons

I will explain you how PCOS and gaining extra fats is connected. So here's what you need to know

- If you have PCOS you will start gaining weight.

- And if you are healthy and don't have PCOS, soon you might get PCOS. Yeah being healthy is one of the reasons you may get PCOS. So its vice versa!

3. Lifestyle and Daily Routine: The very important change you will have to make in this journey of losing weight is changing your lifestyle! Like you have to take good sleep, good and healthy food, track calories intake, timely workouts etc.

Lets get into detail about this :

- Good Sleep, you will have to get that perfect sleep that is at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is recommended. Now here comes the important point to take note of.. 7 to 8 hours of sleep doesn't just mean sleeping at any time but on right time. So you will have to sleep by 10PM and wake up at 5AM or 6AM this is the best sleeping time.

Do you know health experts suggest the early you sleep the more beneficial it is for you and sleeping 10PM to 1AM is the best time when your skin rejuvenates and repairs itself, not just skin but whole body functioning goes right if you take sleep from 10PM to 1AM. (I don't have reference for this but try it, if it doesn't work, I'm here drop the comment and prove me wrong :D)

- Walking - The people going to gym already may know your coach will even suggest you to go for walks for at least 1 hour in a day. You may consult health experts, any doctors to lose weight, the first thing you will hear is to start walking for at least an hour daily. Trust me this is the best thing you will love doing. It relaxes your mind and body!

- Workouts - For men, Yeah you have to hit the gym for at least 5 days in a week. For Women,  I suggest aerobics is the best workout for you. The reason why any experienced dietitians or health/ slimming expert will advice you aerobics is because female body shape is different and thus need different kind of workout. So aerobics doesn't involve any machine workouts, only activities like dancing, cardio zumba steps are involved which helps you lose weight.

4. Weight loss & Detox Drinks: What actually helps you greatly along with all the above things is taking weight loss drinks and experimenting till you find something that actually works for you.

Weight loss / Detox Drinks

- Warm water mixed with lemon and honey (No sugar)

- Drinking warm water at least 3 glass a day specially 1 glass after you wake up and 1 glass before sleeping.

- Experimenting with different kind of detox juices like cucumber juice, carrot juice, spinach juice.. these detox drinks recipes you will find online or you can see on youtube, I will upload some soon. Please note while you try out any weight loss drinks or juices do check if that particular drink is recommended for people with low blood pressure too. This is for people who alreadt have low BP, so please avoid those detox drinks that lowers your BP.

- Black Tea/ Green Tea: Green tea is way too healthy it boosts your immune system as well helps in weight loss. But for the people who don't like green tea like me even black tea works great. :)

Consistent & Focused in What you Are Doing: As I said above, again and again yes being regular and consistent in your efforts is most important!

Drop your comments and do share what works best for you. Don't forget to share with your friends :)


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